Generac 7009 LTE Propane Tank Fuel Level Monitor

SKU: 7009
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MSRP: $299.95
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Overview of the Generac LP Tank Level Monitor


Model: 7009
Generac’s Propane Tank Fuel Level Monitor  4G LTE

*There is a $49.99 annual fee to customers.  

*There is a $29.99 annual fee for Fleet subscription after the first year.  

A critical part of maintaining your generator is making sure there is enough fuel to get you through the unexpected power outages when utility power is lost.  Generac now offers a Cellular 4G LTE LP Fuel Level Monitor* to measure the amount of LP fuel remaining in your tank.  The Tank Utility app alerts the user for both remaining LP fuel levels and usage reports, offering the ultimate peace of mind.

*This system is compatible with air-cooled and liquid-cooled models that utilize LP as a fuel source.  The Tank Utility application is available for iOS and Android available on the iTunes store or Google play store.

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